Friday 27 August 2004

Finally got around to writing a blog!

I have been reading the last few entries. It's definitely good to hear what some of us are up too. I saw the graduation photos of Ivan and company. Everyone looked really good. But I am trying to frantically find the post why Ivan and Tsu Tsen will be in Japan. Pretty hard to do anything with a dial up connection while praying it doesn't get disconnected.

I agree with Jared. I can't believe how fast time has passed. My sister birthday passed a few days ago. I had to calculate more than once to make sure she is really 31 while writing her card! Just seemed like yesterday that I was playing 'house' with her. I have been listening to a lot of band music of late. was all I ever did in ACJC. Can't really remember my time in the classroom. Memories in the dust bandroom are more vivid.

For some of you guys who thought that I have dropped off from the face of the earth. Well, I haven't. Still doing my second degree in Architecture in Australia. I am in 4th year and have another year to go. Really can't wait to be done. Ben came over to Newcastle to see me wear a gown and a silly hat for my first degree in April. I am not sure how to upload pictures to show Ben and me in Newcastle.

I have been missing food at home a lot lately. Bought longans in a can which tasted like lychees!For a moment, I was wondering whether my taste buds had been Aussified that I couldn't tell the difference.

Anyway, I am quite curious about the Singapore Idol and how good they are. Over here, it's difficult to not watch Australian Idol because other tv shows at that slot can be really really lame. Must admit that some of them are really good.. There are, of course, William Hung-wannabes.

Well, it's been good to hear from everyone!


Ivan said...

You can't find it cuz we didn't say why =P
We would be on a Training and Attachment Program with Toshiba as our "teacher" and FTD as our future employer.
so going there..we are going to learn about IC Design designing a handphone chip for example. I don't really know anymore..but you can always msg T3 for more info.

Glad to hear from you anyway! Write more! (what happened to your poetry stuff?)

Lemming said...

It's Japanese cultural immersion maybe?
They'd probably be ringing bells at the temples to wake the gods during Christmas hahahahha!
Erm....or rather working their ass off to design that mobile (damn, I mean handphone!) that IMHO Ivan and Tshush would make shoots tiny sticky cameras into women (or men?) toilets!

It is fetish-land over there isn't it?

Oh yeah, get me one of those vending machine dispensed used panties? =P

strawbanana said...

Oh...I remember when we were in Japan, I used to love looking at those Yakult vending machines. So unique. I took quite a lot of photos of those. Gotta update me on the advancement of vending technology.

I have a Aussie classmate who has a real Asian fetish and he worked in Japan for a while. He only seem to date Asian woman. Keeps talking to me about woman in school uniforms. Hope you don't turn like that, man.

Still writing poems, Ivan. But none about brownies anymore. Haven't baked those in a long while.

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