Tuesday 10 August 2004

Happy Birthday, Singapore!

Ahh... good day it is today, a holiday, OUR National Day!

Unfortunately this year, I couldn't get tickets to the NDP. However, watching it on TV still does bring out that patriotic spirit in me... the National songs all invoke memories of yesteryear as usual, how as primary school kids, we stressed our little minds to memorise all these songs. The purpose of which I still am not entirely sure! But when I think of the fun we had, the lessons we skipped to go to the ACS (Junior) school hall (Formerly known as ACJS) to practice these same songs that have lasted for more than a decade now, I guess, perhaps, it is a small price to pay. And I couldn't help singing the songs too along with my sister! (Although I felt the "upbeat" remixes sucked balls.)

Watching the parade, I found the contingent entry much more interesting this year, starting with bagpipes and the silent precision drill team. The fly-by doesn't seem impressive on TV, but I can tell you that if you were at the parade, the deafening roars of 3 pairs of twin turbojets on the second fly-by will always make you sit up and look. Afterburners, baby. The parade went on as usual, everyone was focusing on the reaction of PM Goh, this being his last NDP as PM after all. But the ever "cliched" "last entry" of SM Lee and following clockwork "thunderous applause" always makes me wonder if it is really out of sheer mutual respect for the man or some unwritten script which we all follow just for the sake of it. Bah, still, that is nothing compared to the stone of our president. "Psst, Mr President sir, your tie is crooked."

The costume get-up was pretty elaborate this year, what with orchids, leaves, butterflies, fairies(?), and all. But what made my evening was EVIL KIT! Yep, the incredible make-up artist gave her this silver V-shaped art in between her eyebrows such that when she gave the slightest frown, she looked like she was ready to murder! As she sang with more emotion, she frowned even more, and man, was she scary! One eyeball literaly looked like it was gonna pop, but only cuz of the accentuation of the evil-V! If anyone should know better, it would be Ivan! And you wonder why he smiles so much? It's precisely cuz he doesn't want to look like evil Kit! All said, her singing is still great... you go, girl!

So, that ends NDP 2004.

Up next, Singapore Idol! Man oh man.... and I thought Singaporeans valued their face more than anyone else in this world! Hahaha! It was both a great joke and a revelation. It's obvious who is the hot favourite now, the ex-Fame contestant when she was 14, no doubt. The Shanghainese (Mr. Rocky), well, he just didn't get it. He can sing, but just not pop. He could make like a josh Groban or Russell Watson, but they didn't start out in pop either... they started through classical roots. Look out for Mr. Bananaman next week.. "Ring ring ring ring... banana phone!" Sheesh. Oh, and the judges, Dick Lee has got the be the man. He has both wit and poise, yet, doesn't come across like a Simon Cowell wannabe. Maybe it's because he is smiling all the time. Probs he couldn't help it, with the audition going like it did.

And so, another day? Not quite yet.

As I sit here typing, Doom 3 lies ready for installation on 3 discs. It was a long wait (4 days of downloading).. but the anticipation kept me going. I salivate just at thought of playing it. Alas, it will have to wait another day. Why? Cuz I'm low on HDD space. Gotta burn those anime. Sigh.

Oh yes, before I do forget, like Jared has said, please reveal your names if possible... so far from what I noe.. I'm guessing here-

Pet_Monster = Eric
Blueprince = Daniel (?)

That's all for now! Oh, it seems that it is normal to post what's playing (music) in your background for blogs.. so here goes!

*This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know) - Taking Back Sunday*


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