Sunday 12 September 2004

Salute to Thames

My original post died when Firefox crashed (serves me right for using nightly builds...), so enjoy this hastily put together posting.

Everyone can certainly remember the scene of clouds, split-screened expansion of the London skyline and Hawksworth's (just read that he now resides in Sydney and plays regularly in a Jazz bar...erm..well unless that article is very old and he's now dead at least) "Salute to Thames" theme plays just before your favourite cartoon.

Such classics as Button Moon, Zippy's Rainbow, freaky Wind in the Willows, Count "Ducky Boos" Duckula and Dangermouse should come to mind. Unfortunately, in our days of the seventies, British programming on SBC already seems to be losing airtime to American cartoons. What's the difference? Well...just look at today's youths with their Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teletubbies (no I still can't believe it's BBC...). Hurray for independent TV (read TCS) you say?

Anyways, do miss the good ol' days of Thames TV, de rigeur CTW's Sesame Street and The Electric Company (that was Spiderman then!), 3-2-1 Contact's Math Man so much, and also when MOE used to show their science videos on TV!

Anyways you can read all about Thames on the following websites...

Damn if I had a polyphonic phone or at least one that can utilize mp3s or wav files, I'd put "Salute to Thanes" as my message tone! If I can only find it that is....=P

In other news, I've gone all retro gaming again, and have been loading up the xBox with emulators. Was playing Contra3 with the HM just only. Also downloaded Lucasart's Sam n Max and Day of the Tentacle along with Sierra's King Quest series. Sigh...watever happened to good adventure games.


Anonymous said...

(THis is Jared, can't be bothered to log in)

They were supposed to make Sam & Max too, which I was eagerly waiting for! But they pulled the project off a few months ago. BOO to LucasArts.

Lemming said...

Yeah sad aint it....something about development and production costs being too high

But people like us L-O-V-E adventure games!!!!
Damn you sierra and lucasarts for weeding us like kids when we!

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