Wednesday 26 January 2005

Fondue Fun

Jeff: "Me! Me! I want ice-cream too!"

Rowf: "Tastes like cough syrup!"

Des: "Mine! All mine! I only want sorbet!"

Lemm: "Help me take a picture to spite Juli."

Ed: "How romantic, fondue for 5."


Ivan said...

He's not the only one away from you guys you know..ARRRGH!!! I WANT!!!!

Lemming said...

Well speaking of bridging the great divide, I guess it's really quite a good idea, now that I actually HAVE an MMS phone!!

It's quite spur of the moment actually, so the only technlogy available would be

1) E-mail via PDA + GPRS Modem
2) MobBlog via WAP/GPRS
3) MMS via pls-rip-me-off Telco

I mean the cheaper alternative would be of course to wait to you get home, then blog or email about it, but it wouldn't be the same!

Summing up, I'd have done so if I had [Jared/Ivan/Tshush] HP number? Well, I mean I have it, or do I, or I didn't take it down, or I didn't store it, or I changed phones so alot of my numbers are on good ol' fashion low-tech take your pick!

Well, we miss all of yer guys, bitching behind someone's back isn't the same when you're used to doing it in front of his face aint it =P

Ivan said...

BITCHING?! hehe...we are the BITCHs after all remember? muahaha. its in our trait. I miss counterstrike...but i miss you guys more...NOT. not after you said that about my blog! >=X Don't bother with MMS lar...i don:t have...Email my phone!! it:s FREE for me!!! to receive that is!...i'm suspending my singapura phone as of this month...not that anyone has been calling anyway...heh

In the meantime, i shouldn't be touching my blog for Ages to come...haha...just started..NARUTO!!...i need to preserve my chakra.

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