Another weekend well spent with friends... planning a year end trip to the land of the rising sun! Unfortunately (or fortunately for them), I'm not joining the gang again.
And Ben, this was sort of a preview for you to see pics taken with the Panasonic LX3 (which i borrowed off my sis)! Heh heh! If you want the original sized sample jpegs (no raws taken), you know where to get me!
Tshush commissioned a video that was taken with the cam as well which I will attempt to get it onto Vimeo or Utubz in due time! Till then... feast/starve your eyes!

As I arrived late to the 'party'.. the discussion was already in full swing and well into the mid-stages!

Busy busy busy.

"And do you, Ivan, take Valerie to be your lawfully wedded wife. To love, honour, comfort and cherish...." Kekekeke!

Opposition MP Tshush contemplating the order of business for parliamentary proceedings for the day.

Other MPs enjoying the evening.

Desmond, who was there to savour crumpets and tea only!

Shall we get down to business?


"My two(2) iPhones are not entertaining enough.. :("

The view of the 'Royal Copenhagen' from the aisles.

Shameless plug: "Apple's iPhone 3GS, for all your communication and entertainment needs!"


I swear, this photo was not posed for.

Darren and his trusty 'Lonely Planet'!

Desmond taking, uploading to and tagging photos on Facebook to entertain himself. At the expense of his friends. Haha!

Darren not too pleased with Desmond's Facebook adventures!

Tshush dutifully doing his job as secretary for the evening.

Jeffrey (again)!

Secretary Tshush's powerful writing and smashing (for badminton) arm.

Getting deep into the discussion.

Eat, drink, talk, read and write.

The nice and comfy (if a bit noisy) locale for the discussion.

My option to fly should I change my mind about the holiday!

Opposition MP Tshush getting more animated while stating his views.

Opposition MP Tshush threatening the media. "I'll poke your eye out with this! Just you watch!"

Opposition MP Tshush resigned to his fate.

The quiche that arrived late, after Ivan realised it was not served yet.

The quite lovely cups and saucers that the tea came in.

Opposition MP Tshush laughing about something.

Jeffrey getting his point across to his attentive audience.

Popquiz! Identify the pictured items!

And off we go.. discussion adjourned to 'Moonstone View', KFC (Yummy!) in tow!

Stuck in traffic with the brake lights of the car ahead bathing us in a red glow!

Back to business after dinner! Google maps/Street view for the win! (They did contemplate touring Tokyo from Singapore that way! HAHAHA! Brilliant!)

Tshush happy that his secretary duties has been relinquished! (The job went to Jeffrey.. and subsequently, Darren.)

Lazy shot from a lying down position.


4 hours after saying their wedding vows.

Jeffrey looking 'forlornly' at his Toyoko Inn manager girlfriend. Don't worry Jeff, you can see her again soon enough!

All right guys (and gal), let's wrap things up for tonight!

Tshush getting a ride from Darren!

And me from Ivan!
And that's it!
Ii Otenki desu ne,